We’d love your support! AGPAL is shaving the world for blood cancer!

The number of Australians impacted by cancer is alarming. Every day 35 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer – that’s one Aussie every 41 minutes, and although research is improving survival, sadly an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours. As part of their fundraising efforts, each year the Leukaemia Foundation…

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World Health Day Competition

In celebration of World Health Day, we’re running a competition to bring awareness to health and well-being and to recognise the exceptional work being undertaken by our AGPAL accredited practices. To enter, post a photo of your practice team and tell us in 30 words or less about a quality initiative your practice has implemented to improve your patient or staff’s health and well-being.

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Header image for AGPAL Live webinar series 2019

Discover how to optimise your all-inclusive AGPAL client benefits and gain useful tips and strategies to make interpreting and actioning your 5th edition accreditation requirements that little bit easier. Check out your AGPAL live webinar schedule or view post-event in your AGPAL accreditation hub.

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