Education and Innovation
Training Formats

The AGPAL & QIP Education and Innovation Team provides training solutions in a range of modes. The modes offered to our clients cover everything in-person to online delivery, along with documentation support and much more to truly meet the needs and budgets of each client. Often times, we find that blended learning methods have been the most effective, training-efficient method.

We are able to provide training on any of our areas of expertise, in the following formats, just click the buttons below to explore!

Face-to-face Workshops

We provide interactive, engaging and bespoke face-to-face workshops. Our workshops are:

  • Co-created in collaboration with our client, our team of educational professionals, and specifically selected subject matter experts
  • Inclusive of small group and whole group discussions, and reflective and practical activities that support the translation of learning into professional practice
  • At your preferred location and the duration may range from half-days to five days depending on your learning needs and financial options, and
  • Delivered by facilitators who are nationally recognised experts in their subject areas and are passionate educators.

e-Learning Modules

We have a range of available online interactive e-Learning modules to support both individuals and team-based learning. Additionally, the AGPAL & QIP Education and Training Team can develop bespoke modules for clients. Our e-Learning modules:

  • Provide a user-friendly, accurate and meaningful online learning experience
  • Include a sequenced collection of subject-related materials to train users around a particular topic and/or skill
  • Are developed by nationally recognised experts, and
  • Are designed by our experienced instructional designers and tested extensively.

Click here to see our available e-Learning Modules.


We provide interactive webinars across a diverse range of training topics.

Delivered by expert facilitators with vast experience in the topic area, the webinars can be provided as part of a training program and include audience sizes up to 500 participants. The types of webinars we provide include:

  • Live and interactive webinars - the expert delivers content on a specific area with the opportunity for participants to ask questions
  • Recorded webinars - previous recordings packaged into an e-Learning product that can be sent directly to the client for ongoing training
  • Coaching webinars - the expert supports participants to implement learning into practice through clinical coaching, mentoring and/or supporting communities of practice, and
  • Question and answer webinars - the expert collaboratively problem solves with participants.


Toolkits and Resources

AGPAL & QIP Education and Innovation develop bespoke educational and training resources to support your unique training needs. Our most common request is comprehensive toolkits designed to support teams in the implementation of change around your desired topic area(s).

Our toolkits generally contain a collection of tools, resources, activities and case studies, designed to support participants in reflectively adapting their practices. Toolkits are typically used to complement the face-to-face and webinar training programs to enhance the training and support the translation of learning into your everyday work. Toolkits can be provided in online, digital, and printable formats.


AGPAL & QIP Education and Innovation source high-calibre nationally and internationally recognised experts to deliver presentations. For topic areas where we feel a very specific expert consultant would best meet your needs, we utilise our existing network across AGPAL and QIP to identify and engage a relevant expert consultant.

We can deliver presentations for various events, including:

  • Conference presentations
  • Organisational presentations
  • Clinical presentations, and
  • Masterclasses.

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