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Enhancing practice and accreditation success: The vital role of patient feedback

Patient feedback is a cornerstone of continuous improvement and quality assurance in general practice. It serves as an essential tool for understanding patient experiences, identifying areas for improvement, and enhancing overall service delivery. For practices, integrating patient feedback into everyday operations improves patient satisfaction and plays a key role in supporting practices with their accreditation requirements under the RACGP Standards for General Practices 5th edition. This article explores the benefits of patient feedback and outlines the specific criteria for patient feedback under the RACGP Standards.


The benefits of patient feedback

Improved patient care

Patient feedback provides valuable insights into the patient experience, highlighting what works well and what needs improvement. By actively seeking and addressing feedback, practices can identify gaps in service delivery, streamline processes, and implement changes that directly enhance patient care.

Increased patient satisfaction

When patients feel heard and see their feedback being acted upon, their satisfaction and loyalty to the practice increase. This positive relationship not only encourages repeat visits but also promotes word-of-mouth referrals, which are invaluable for any practice.

Enhanced practice reputation

A practice that consistently seeks and responds to patient feedback builds a reputation for being patient-centred and committed to quality care. This reputation can attract new patients and help retain existing ones, contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the practice.

Staff morale and engagement

Incorporating patient feedback into practice operations can also have a positive impact on staff morale. When staff members see that their efforts are appreciated and that patient feedback is used to make constructive changes, it fosters a sense of accomplishment and engagement.


Understanding patient feedback within the RACGP Standards

Criterion QI1.2 – Patient Feedback

The RACGP Standards emphasise the importance of having a robust system for managing patient feedback. Criterion QI1.2 outlines the following requirements:

  • 2 A > Practices must collect feedback from patients, carers, and other relevant parties in accordance with the RACGP’s Patient Feedback Guide.
  • 2 B > Practices are required to analyse, consider, and respond to feedback. This involves reviewing the feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing necessary changes.
  • 2 C > Practices must inform patients, carers, and other relevant parties about how they have responded to feedback and used it to improve the quality of care provided.

These criteria ensure that practices are continuously improving based on the feedback received while supporting them to demonstrate the specified accreditation requirements and enhancing patient care.


Steps to implement effective patient feedback systems

Establishing a feedback system

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Gain access to feedback mechanisms: Access various methods for collecting feedback, such as surveys, suggestion boxes, and digital platforms. Ensure these methods are easily available to all patients.
    NOTE: To support the RACGP Standards requirements, practice teams must utilise RACGP-approved patient feedback tools or gain approval for a self-designed tool.
  2. Promote feedback opportunities: Encourage patients to provide feedback by promoting these opportunities through multiple channels, including the practice website, social media, and in-clinic posters.
  3. Ensure confidentiality: Implement measures to ensure that all feedback is confidential and that patients feel comfortable sharing their experiences.

Training staff

Training staff on how to handle and respond to patient feedback is essential to supporting the appropriate collection and management of patient feedback. This training should cover the importance of feedback, how to encourage it, and the correct procedures for managing and acting on it.

Training tips:

  • Conduct regular training sessions for all staff members.
  • Provide clear guidelines and protocols for handling feedback.
  • Emphasise the importance of a positive and constructive approach when dealing with feedback.

Analysing feedback

Data Analysis: Collected feedback data should be comprehensively analysed to identify common themes and trends. Use this analysis to pinpoint specific areas that require improvement.

Actionable Insights: Transform the insights gained from feedback into actionable steps to support quality improvement initiatives Develop a plan to address identified issues and track the progress of these actions.

Completing the feedback cycle

Responding to feedback: Always respond to patient feedback, letting them know how their input has been used to make improvements. This shows that the practice values their feedback and also enhances patient trust and satisfaction.

Communicating changes: Communicate any changes made based on patient feedback to both patients and staff. This transparency reinforces the practice’s commitment to continuous improvement and patient-centred care.


Patient Feedback Tools

There are many RACGP approved patient feedback tools available to support your accreditation requirements, such as CFEP Surveys’ Practice Accreditation Survey (PAIS).  These tools have been designed to streamline the feedback process and assist practices in collecting essential patient feedback to comply with accreditation standards.

Incorporating patient feedback into practice operations fosters a culture of continuous improvement and patient-centred care while supporting practice teams in meeting their accreditation requirements. By understanding and implementing the requirements outlined in the RACGP Standards, practice managers and GPs can enhance the quality of care, improve patient satisfaction, and demonstrate compliance with the relevant accreditation requirements.

Find out more about CFEP Surveys’ Practice Accreditation Survey (PAIS) here, or download the full Practice Accreditation Survey (PAIS) Guide here.