Dress up in orange in celebration of World Patient Safety Day on 17 September 2019 to start conversations on the importance of patient safety!
READ FULL ARTICLEAt AGPAL and QIP we provide a range of complimentary education and training opportunities to support healthcare teams during their accreditation journey.
READ FULL ARTICLEFor the first time, mental health is being equally recognised alongside physical health.
READ FULL ARTICLESunday 21 July kicked off the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Family Doctor Week; ‘Your family doctor and you: partnering for health.’
READ FULL ARTICLEThe 3rd edition of National vaccine storage guidelines ‘Strive for 5’ 3rd edition and a range of associated resources has been released by the Australian Government’s Department of Health.
READ FULL ARTICLEThe Practice Incentive Program (PIP) Quality Improvement (QI) Incentive starts on 1 August 2019.
READ FULL ARTICLEThe number of Australians impacted by cancer is alarming. Every day 35 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer – that’s one Aussie every 41 minutes, and although research is improving survival, sadly an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours. As part of their fundraising efforts, each year the Leukaemia Foundation…
READ FULL ARTICLEDiscover how to optimise your all-inclusive AGPAL client benefits and gain useful tips and strategies to make interpreting and actioning your 5th edition accreditation requirements that little bit easier. Check out your AGPAL live webinar schedule or view post-event in your AGPAL accreditation hub.
READ FULL ARTICLEWant to strengthen your practice’s positive workplace culture and create a high performing team? Look no further than QbAY, in your AGPAL accreditation hub resource and education library!
READ FULL ARTICLEAGPAL would like to congratulate all award recipients of the Australia Day Honours for their incredible and selfless contribution to communities nationwide, and the outstanding commitment demonstrated within their particular fields.